Artist Application
All artists and crafters are invited to apply for jury selection for the 31st Annual Colorscape Chenango Arts Festival, Sept. 6th & 7th, 2025. Submission of an application is a commitment to jury only.
NEW in 2025
Apply online! (Google account required)
Detailed regulations are included in the Exhibitor Contract upon acceptance
- All work must be original and produced by hand or with appropriate tools. No buy-sell or imports are allowed. Use of kits, molds, patterns, plans, prefabricated forms, or other commercial methods are not permitted
- If two or more people work together to produce a single product they may apply as a team, occupy the same booth, and be judged as a team. No exhibitors may share a booth unless they are juried as a team
- If any jewelry is offered for sale in your booth, you must be juried into the Jewelry category
- Name tags shall be worn and booth signs displayed at all times. Exhibitors are required to display an Artist Information Statement.
- Work must be consistent with that submitted to the jury. Compliance is monitored. CCAFI reserves the right to remove any work that differs significantly from that juried, as well as any work or display deemed inappropriate.
- The juried Exhibitor(s) must be in attendance throughout the event. Proxies may only be granted in advance in special circumstances.
- No dried florals, manufactured belts or bags, shells, or edible items are permitted.
- Sale of limited-edition, signed reproductions are invited. Reproductions should occupy no more than 40% of booth and be clearly labeled.
- Photographs from original negatives, processed by the Exhibitor, or under his/her direct supervision, are permitted. Work should be appropriately framed and matted.
- Fractal art applications should include details of printing process and may include work that is designed by hand and scanned, as well as that designed on a computer. No clip art is allowed.
- Displays should be set up by 9:30am Saturday and 10:30am Sunday, and may not be dismantled prior to closing each day. Business cards, signs and banners are permitted, providing they do not block walkways or access. Sale of promotional items is strictly banned. No politics.
- Vehicles are to be moved to designated parking areas once load-in is completed.
Colorscape’s reputation for quality is well deserved and the rules are enforced. It is the exclusive right and responsibility of CCAFI to enforce regulations. Repeated infractions will result in expulsion or ineligibility for judging, awards and/or participation in future events.
Image guidelines
CCAFI accepts only digital images are for jury review (see below). Please do not send slides or photographs.
Technical specifications
- Image dimensions shall be no more than 1920 pixels, but no less than 1400 pixels, on the longest side. Files shall be saved in baseline standard JPEG format, RBG mode wiht a resolution of 72 dpi. This will reduce file size, which should not exceed 5.0 mb per image.
- Each image should be labeled with your name and a number that coincides with the description, provided (Examples: smith1.jpg; smith2. jpg). Descriptions should include dimensions, price, and any other information you consider relevant.
- Separate images of your work should be submitted for each category requested (max. 2). Each category must be a separate body of work.
- Artist Information Statements may be included with application.
- If you are submitting images on a CD, label the disk with your name and category(ies).
- When e-mailing images, no e-mail shall exceed 10 mb, or it will be rejected by the server. Receipt will be acknowledged.
Image submission
is by e-mail, or non-returnable thumb drive or CD. CD shall be finalized and readable on both Mac and Windows computers.
Jury decisions are based upon
1) Creativity;
2) Workmanship;
3) Continuity of work; and
4) Overall appearance of display.
The jury will view submitted images, application forms and Artist Information Statements. Images are viewed on color-balanced monitors. Please do not send photographs, resumes, biographical materials, etc. Decisions of the jury are final.
Wait list
Wait List designees are welcome to check during set-up to see if a space is available. Accepted Wait List exhibitors must have a current NYS Sales Tax Certificate and $230 fee upon acceptance.
Mail your completed application to
Colorscape Chenango Arts Festival, Inc.
P.O. Box 624
Norwich, New York 13815
Please complete all information requested. The City of Norwich requires that we collect your driver’s license number and date of birth. $5.00 of your entry fee covers the city’s Vendor Fee. If you have questions or problems, text or call Peggy Finnegan, Visual Arts Coordinator, at 607•316•3212 or e-mail
Entry deadline
Applications should be post– marked by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7th, 2025. Late applications may be accepted at the discretion of the jury where space is available.
In the event of a natural disaster or other dire circumstance, a decision to cancel the festival during its course may be made by the Board of Directors. In the event of a partial cancellation, CCAFI will not be held responsible for any costs incurred or loss of potential earnings. However, if there is a full cancellation prior to the event, entry fees will be refunded.
No commission is retained by CCAFI. Exhibitors are required by law to display a current NYS Sales Tax Certificate at all times and to collect state and local sales taxes. A tax certificate number shall be made available to CCAFI prior to load-in.
Applications should include a check payable to “Colorscape Chenango” for a non-refundable $15 jury fee per category. 2024 award winners are jury exempt for the 2025 Festival.
The rental fee for a 10×10 space (space permitting) is $230. All fees should be paid within two weeks of late acceptance to reserve your space.
Each Exhibitor must submit a separate application unless exhibiting as a team. Applicants who want to be juried in two categories must submit images for each category, with each representing a separate body of work.
No refunds after August 1, 2025.
$20 Processing Fee is deducted from refunds.
Mail by March 7, 2025
- Completed application form with three images (see guidelines) representative of work to be displayed in each category plus one image of booth display. Not required if jury exempt.
- $15 jury fee per category (U.S. currency) unless jury exempt
- SASE (postage for 3 oz.)
Notice of jury decision
Notification of jury decisions will be mailed by April 11th, 2025. Entry fees and signed contracts due by April 30th, 2025. Failure to meet deadlines could result in loss of your space.
Mail by April 30, 2025
- $230 entry fee (U.S. currency)
- Signed 2025 Exhibitor Contract
Awards are based on on-site judging starting at 10am Saturday. Judges’ decisions are based on: 1) Creativity; 2) Workmanship; 3) Continuity of work; 4) Overall appearance; and 5) Audience interaction. Judges’ decisions are final. Awards are presented
at the complimentary Awards Breakfast on Sunday. Award winners will be granted jury-exempt status at the 2026 Colorscape.
Demonstrations are at the heart of the educational goals of CCAFI and serve to increase audience interest in the artists’ work. Demonstrations take place at the artists’ booths and entitle these Exhibitors to an extra five feet of space or a corner location, space permitting. If you plan to demonstrate, check the appropriate box on the form and indicate your preference.
Booth assignments
Booths are assigned upon receipt of the booth fee and signed Contract. Use is limited solely to the Exhibitor to whom the space is assigned. Only work consistent with that accepted by the jury is to be displayed or sold. Exhibitors will be notified of space assignments in June. No vehicles are allowed on the grass.
Exhibitors supply their own display equipment. CCAFI provides booth signs and name tags. Free electricity is available in most, though not all, locations. Bring your own extension cords.
Thunderstorms are a common occurrence in September and Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to bring rain covers, tie-downs and weights (40 lb. per leg). Colorscape takes place RAIN OR SHINE.